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US presidential election 2024: first electoral test for Trump since his verdict in New York

The former president is the only Republican still in the running for the November presidential election, his conservative rivals having long since thrown in the towel.

But the American electoral calendar is organized in such a way that some states still hold primaries, serving to formally nominate the candidate, who will be inducted in July at the party convention.

This is the case for Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico and South Dakota on Tuesday.

However, if Donald Trump is officially the only Republican still in the race against Democratic President Joe Biden, the names of his former conservative rivals still appear on the ballots, printed months in advance. A particularity that some Republican voters have so far exploited to express their dissatisfaction with the billionaire.

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The whole challenge of Tuesday’s primaries is therefore to measure the weight of Republican voters’ support for Donald Trump, after his verdict.

Donald Trump was found guilty Thursday in New York of all the charges against him in a criminal trial, the first of a former American president, for having falsified documents in order to hide payments intended for buy the silence of a former porn star.

Judge Juan Merchan set sentencing for July 11, four days before the start of the Republican convention.


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