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The son of an elected US Congressman clowns during his father’s speech (VIDEO)

While he took the floor to defend Donald Trump, recently convicted in the case between him and Stormy Daniels, John Rose, elected Republican from Tennessee, did not imagine that the attention would be stolen by his son, sitting behind him.

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As he begins his plea, the camera lands on John Rose, a detail not lost on his son in the background. The little boy with red hair then begins to show a wide smile while staring at the camera. To continue his show, he moves slightly to be perfectly visible behind his father, who then has no idea what is happening behind him. While the elected Republican denounces “the terrible precedent set four days earlier” in the United States, the child begins to make more and more faces, having no awareness of what is happening before his eyes. Bored by the length of the speech, the little boy finally stopped grimacing and started playing with a plastic figurine, alternating smiles at the camera and moments of boredom.

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A funny scene, which greatly amused Internet users and which contrasts with the seriousness of this affair. After seeing these images, John Rose commented on the sequence on his X account.This is what happens when I tell my son Guy to smile on camera for his little brother,” he jokes.


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