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Violent explosion in Saint-Constant: the two families now out of danger

A simple evening with friends turned into a tragedy in Saint-Constant last Saturday, where eight injured people, including 4 children, suffered serious burns following a large explosion whose origin remains mysterious and still under investigation.

• Read also: Explosion in Saint-Constant: 8 people seriously burned, including 4 children

The two families, seriously burned, are currently in hospital.

The 8 people, including 4 children, gathered around an outdoor fireplace. The explosion took place in a building not attached to the residence with a truck and propane gas, where the owner appears to be doing auto mechanics.

The scene is still protected by police, and firefighters are trying to understand what caused this explosion.

They are now focusing on two hypotheses, without saying more.

A real nightmare

After the event, the injured people screamed in panic and asked for help. Neighbors came to their aid, and tried everything to help them.

Two neighbors agreed to speak with TVA Nouvelles.

“I was at home, quiet with my little boy and I just heard a big boom and my head shook,” explained a first woman from the neighborhood.

“When I got up and looked out the window I saw the garage was on fire. I ran fast enough to go see what was happening. I took my watering can and started watering to calm them down from their pain,” she continued.


“Then I waited for the paramedics to arrive. When they arrived they asked me to continue watering them at least until the pain stopped and then they took care of the little girl,” she stressed.

Another neighbor heard screaming and went out to see what was happening.

“There were some who were walking around and they were saying that, that people were burned. I didn’t sleep all night. The flames were rising high…” the woman concluded.

Psychosocial assistance is offered by the municipality to citizens in the area who were affected by the event.


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