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Seven to eight – “I didn’t understand the message”, “It’s a bit lunar”, “It’s like killing him a second time”: she forgives her father’s murderer and astonishes Internet users

An impossible forgiveness? In the Sept à Huit show this Sunday, June 2, presented by Harry Roselmack, we discover a subject on tiny houses, on the Goodyear scandal, and on the new lives of Loto winners. At the end, like every week, a guest comes to tell their story in the portrait of the week. Audrey Crespo-Mara’s interview of the day is that of Anaïs Gletty. 12 years ago, when she was pregnant, she had not heard from her father for a week. One evening, she receives a call from her mother announcing the death of her father. His body was found in the forest: there is no doubt, it was a murder. He was a divorced business owner. Anaïs therefore goes to her father’s company to announce the sad news to his employees, including Bettina Beau, his executive secretary. “I’ve known her for about 7 years, she was someone I really liked,” she confides. On the day of her death, the latter takes Anaïs in her arms. This image haunts her a lot later since she later learns that Bettina reported herself to the police and confessed to being the author of her father’s murder.

The executive secretary and her boss had had an intimate relationship for a long time. She uses this motive to lead him down a quiet path, then shoots him three times. She explains that she was burning out and that her father was going to throw her out of her job because she was no longer up to it. She is indicted and incarcerated. “I am going through a huge feeling of betrayal. She knew I was pregnant” explains Anaïs, confiding that she went through a heavy feeling of anger. At that time, she only wanted one thing: for the woman to pay for what she had done.

Harry Roselmack’s minute

On the day of the trial, when Anaïs sees her father’s murderer enter the box, she sees her prostrate, withdrawn and completely changed physically. At first angry, Anaïs then confides that she felt pity for her. When Bettina speaks, she apologizes to her victim’s family. An apology that is currently impossible to accept. Anaïs asks Bettina why she killed her father but she doesn’t know how to answer. According to his lawyer, Philippe Gletty would have paid for all the failures in Bettina Beau’s life. The latter was ultimately sentenced to 18 years in prison.

Anaïs feels the need to see her father’s murderer. She asks to meet her in the prison visiting room. After several refusals for a meeting, she writes him a letter to tell him of her suffering and her incomprehension, which soothes him. Yet, in return, she receives little real response. Bettina still tells him that she doesn’t know why. But she keeps asking for forgiveness. The letters become more and more personal, talking about his life in detention. “I see her as a human being and I feel a little compassion for her” explains Anaïs. “Forgiveness happened naturally. I tried to see beyond the act, to see what she had experienced.” After 9 years of detention, Bettina Beau obtained conditional release, the risk of reoffending being judged to be zero by four experts. Anaïs decides to meet her for two hours. They no longer return to the facts: Philippe’s daughter has accepted the fact that there is no reason. “I forgive her as a person, not the act she committed” concludes Anaïs. On X, there is total incomprehension on the part of Internet users. They all admitted that it would have been impossible for them to forgive. Others considered the relationship between Anaïs and Bettina strange.

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