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NASA’s James Webb Telescope Discovers the Most Distant Galaxy in the Universe

JAKARTA – NASA’s James Webb Telescope has achieved monumental discoveries by identifying the most remote galaxy ever observed, called JADES-GS-z14-0. Light from this galaxy traveled about 13.5 billion years to reach us, which means that this light began its journey only 300 million years after the Big Bang.

The findings offer unprecedented insights into the early universe, highlighting the capabilities of the telescope worth US$10 billion (IDR162.5 trillion).

Distance and age: JADES-GS-z14-0 is the most remote galaxy yet discovered, with its light traveling approximately 13.5 billion years to reach Earth. This suggests that this galaxy formed when the new universe was around 300 million years old.

Size: The galaxy is approximately 1,600 light years across. Although it is quite large for the early stages of the universe, it is still relatively small compared to our Bima Sakti, which has a diameter of about 100,000 light years.

luminosity: this galaxy is famous for its size and luminosity, especially for its very large amount of light generated by its young stars. This feature makes JADES-GS-z14-0 extraordinary and important to astronomers who studied the early universe.

The James Webb Telescope, located near the second Lagrange point (L2) a million miles from Earth, uses its advanced infrared capabilities to see into the past. By capturing light that has traveled billions of years, this telescope gives a picture of how the galaxy is seen in its youth.

Infrared observation: The telescope’s ability to detect infrared light is very important. As the universe expands, the galaxy’s light diverges widely, turning toward parts of the infrared spectrum. The James Webb instrument is designed to capture this odd light with unprecedented brightness.

Chemical Analysis: By separating light into the colors of its composer, astronomers can study the chemical composition of a distant galaxy. For JADES-GS-z14-0, a strong hydrogen signal was detected, which indicated the presence of a primordial gas in the early Universe.

The discovery of JADES-GS-z14-0 is an important step in our understanding of the early universe. Data obtained from this galaxy provide knowledge of the formation and evolution of early stars and galaxies. It also opens up the possibility of finding more galaxies like this, which increasingly pushes the limits on how far we can observe the past.

extragalactic discoveries: As University of California Santa Press astronomer Brant Robertson said, this discovery is considered the most important extragalactic discovery with the James Webb Space Telescope to date. This shows more treasures hidden in the precarious universe that he can find through this telescope.

Exploring the Cosmic Fajar: Over the past two years, James Webb has explored the “cosmic rising” period, a period in the first hundreds of millions of years after the Big Bang when the first galaxy formed. These observations are very important for understanding how the early Universe went from a gas-dominated state to one filled with stars and galaxies.

The discovery of JADES-GS-z14-0 by the James Webb Space Telescope is an important milestone in astrophysics. This not only shows the advanced capabilities of the telescope, but also provides very valuable data on the structure and composition of the primary universe. As this telescope continues to explore the distant cosmos, we can expect new discoveries that will improve our understanding of the origin and evolution of the universe.

Tag: nasa galaksi teleskop james webb


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