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Marc Yombouno from RPG Arc-en-ciel: “Yesterday was better”

Conakry, June 1, 2024 – Marc Yombouno, former Minister of Commerce and member of the political bureau of RPG Arc-en-ciel, party ousted by the National Rally Committee for Development (CNRD) on September 5, 2021, severely criticized the declaration general policy of the government led by Prime Minister Amadou Oury Bah, presented before the National Transition Council.

Prime Minister Amadou Oury Bah remained within the guideline set by General Mamadi Doumbouya. This is why he structured his presentation around three axes: the social, the economic and the political.

Concerning the social axis, Bah insisted on the need to restore living together, to create the conditions for peace, tranquility and solidarity between all citizens. Marc Yombouno challenges this vision: “Can we talk about good living together where the main political actors are excluded from the discussion of politics? Can we talk about good living together where leaders who served the country loyally have been languishing in prison for more than two years now without evidence or trial?”

Regarding the economic axis, intended to initiate development to ensure the well-being of the Guinean populations, Yombouno was equally critical: “It’s been two years now, are the Guinean citizens living well? Compared to the times of Alpha Condé, let’s take certain living conditions: electricity, the internet, the press, water, prices, what was better? It’s yesterday. So, judging this axis, really the result is almost negative.”

On the political axis, aiming to build the fundamentals of the rule of law with strong and credible institutions, Yombouno denounced the lack of progress, particularly in the judicial aspect: “Is the compass holding? It shattered. When court decisions are not rendered, when some are rendered and we refuse to execute them. ECOWAS itself asks to release Kassory and his companions. Some CRIEF judges also ask to release them and the Supreme Court but someone says no.”

Finally, he criticized the Prime Minister’s assertion that the executive does not intervene in the judiciary: “After his intervention, the PM says that the executive does not intervene in the judiciary. Is it true ? This can be true in something normal. But even in Europe when we reach a level, the executive intervenes.”

The Prime Minister’s political declaration was therefore strongly contested by Marc Yombouno, who judges that the promises and missions stated do not correspond to the reality experienced by Guinean citizens.


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