DayFR Euro

meet at the Uzellière pond today

Thursday May 30, the La Gaule vezinaise association dumped 150 kg of trout into the municipal pond of Uzellière in anticipation of its trout fishing day which takes place this Saturday 1er June.

Isabelle Grimaud, fish farmer, explains: “ It’s rainbow trout, it’s better and more lively than the other, it’s salmon. We graciously added a trophy piece, a “GTS”, what we call a large salmon trout, weighing 1.5 kg. We hope that it will be taken by one of the participants this Saturday. »

With these 150 kg of trout from the Gâtine aquaculture and fish farm, fishermen have plenty to do this Saturday and with the GTS, there is the possibility for one of them of a very good catch among the 7 trouts which are authorized per half day » explains Gérard Favereau, secretary of La Gaule vezinaise.

As a reminder, trout fishing is open to everyone, from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. for €10, or for the whole day from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. for €15. Fishing is limited to seven trout per half-day, only one pole allowed with or without a reel, one hook and bait prohibited.


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