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CASE. What housing for seniors in Indre-et-?

Beguinage, shared accommodation, senior village, host family, etc. The traditional retirement home is far from being the only housing option when you get older and your independence begins to weaken.

Solutions can also be activated to stay under your own roof as long as possible. The main thing is to find the accommodation best suited to your needs, your desires and your budget. And to feel good and safe.

Loss of autonomy and housing: the state of affairs in Indre-et-

State of play of the loss of autonomy of seniors in Indre-et-Loire.
© NR Infographic

To help you find your way, we are devoting a series of articles to senior housing. Throughout this week, we are taking stock of the solutions proposed in Touraine.

The opportunity also to relay beautiful life stories.

to be continued

>  “From the age of 75, you must anticipate your loss of autonomy”. The best habitat to spend the last years of one’s life is the one we have chosen, believes Professor Bertrand Fougère, head of the aging department at the CHRU.

> They chose the beguinage: report in Richelieu to read Tuesday October 29.

> What about nursing homes? What is the situation in Indre-et-Loire? To read Wednesday October 30

> At over 90, he lives at home: with what organization? Read Thursday October 31.

> Her granddaughter had a “tiny house” installed in her garden: a testimony to read on Thursday October 31.



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