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13 prizes will be awarded on November 7

>> The “Young Francophone Reporters 2024” competition presented to Hanoi students

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>> “Young Francophone Reporters 2024” competition: deliberation of the semi-final jury

Meeting of the jury for the final of the “Jeunes Reporters Francophones 2024” competition, on October 25 in the premises of the Courier from Vietnam in Hanoi.
Photo: Tran Truong/CVN

This 9e edition of the competition, launched at the beginning of August, has reached the final stage. During this meeting, the jury worked carefully to select the winners from the 20 finalists.

In addition to the main prizes (a 1isand 2e and a 3e), several other distinctions will be awarded, including: encouragement prize, dynamic student prize, impressive candidate prize, Moroccan embassy prize, Romanian embassy prize, Phenikaa University prize, prize from the Hanoi University of Science and Technology (USTH), as well as the public prize, awarded to the text with the most votes.

This year, 190 candidates (including 40 boys and 150 girls), compared to 174 during the 8e edition and 119 to 7eparticipated. Among them, a Romanian and a Congolese. The majority of participants are students from Can Tho University, the University of Languages ​​and International Studies (ULIS) of the National University of Hanoi, the University of Hanoi, among others.

Under the theme “Create, innovate, undertake in French”, also that of the 19the Summit of the Francophonie, this edition aims to offer young people a space for discussion on the opportunities offered by the dynamism of the French-speaking space, while encouraging creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship as drivers of employment for youth. It also aims to promote writing in French among young French speakers.

Constantly improving quality of articles

The quality of the final articles this year has significantly improved, according to Nguyên Hông Nga, editor-in-chief of Courrier du Vietnam, co-president of the final Jury.
Photo: Truong Tran /CVN

Selon Nguyen Hong Nga, rédactrice en chef du Courier from Vietnamco-president of the final Jury, the quality of the articles improves from year to year. “This year, we particularly noticed an excellent level of French, both in terms of written expression and in the quality of the photos, taken by the candidates themselves, which faithfully respect the theme of the competition + Create, innovate, undertake in French +”she stressed.

Edgar Doerig, regional representative for Asia and the Pacific of the OIF, for his part welcomed the diversity of the topics covered, noting the considerable efforts and initiative of the candidates to highlight the vitality and the numerous opportunities offered by the French language, thanks to their editorial talent and the high linguistic quality of their articles. “I am pleasantly surprised to note that certain finalist contributions perfectly capture the very essence of the Francophonie: a language that opens doors, shared regionally and globally, whose heritage belongs to a multitude of regions and peoples”he confided.

Mme Hông Nga added: “Creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in the diversity of the French-speaking space are valued in French, a language which supports young people in employment, business, and who, in turn, will continue to contribute to the “future of this shared language and therefore of the Francophonie”.

Family photo of participants in the awards ceremony for the “Jeunes Reporters Francophones 2023” competition, last November in Hanoi.
Photo: Tuan Anh/CVN

Concerning the promotion of French in Vietnam, Mr. Doerig believes that this competition offers a valuable platform for young Vietnamese learning French and strengthens their feeling of belonging to the Francophonie. “For me, the practice of writing on a theme dear to young people, combined with efforts at creativity, innovation and the sharing of ideas in French, undoubtedly allows our young students and professionals to perfect this language common”he stressed.

Mme Hong Nga a conclu en affirmant : “The impressive number of participants and articles submitted this year once again confirms the appeal of French in Vietnam and testifies to the many opportunities that the Francophonie offers for young people.”

The “Young Francophone Reporters” competition is co-organized each year by The Courier of Vietnam and the Asia-Pacific Regional Representation of the OIF (REPAP). It also receives the support of the Vietnamese Information Agency, the Group of French-speaking embassies, delegations and institutions in Vietnam (GADIF), the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), the Wallonia-Brussels General Delegation in Vietnam , as well as numerous universities, companies and other partners.

See you at the awards ceremony scheduled for November 7 in Hanoi, where this year's winners will be honored on stage!

Cam Sa/CVN


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