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The RN still on edge 30 years after the murder of Ibrahim Ali in


The deliberation creating the Ibrahim-Ali prize for work in schools on discrimination was the subject of lively exchanges between elected officials from the left and the far right, Friday October 18. There are wounds that struggle to heal. And the disappearance of Ibrahim Ali on February 21, 1995, shot and killed by a National Front poster paster on Avenue des Aygalades (15th), is one of them. Twenty-nine years after the disappearance of the 17-year-old rapper, victim of a bullet in the back, the municipal majority submitted to the vote of the council, meeting yesterday for seven hours in the Bargemon hemicycle, a deliberation creating a price Ibrahim-Ali. “We renamed Avenue des Aygalades in 2021, now the time comes for transmission to the younger generations,” introduced Pierre Huguet, deputy for education (Génération. s) while presenting this award. This involves students, from the main section to CM2, working with their teachers on themes linked to the fight against discrimination and racism based on the history of and the memory of Ibrahim Ali. The deliberation, which should not have suffered from any debate, led to around twenty minutes of lively exchanges between elected officials from the majority and the extreme right. “When the right mentions the assassinations of Philippine, Thomas, Lola, Mathis, Laura and Mauranne, the left immediately raises cries of outrage, accusing us of political exploitation, began Cédric Dudieuzère (RN). For your part, you exploit thirty years since the dramatic death of Ibrahim Ali, but you have the right since being on the left, you have the totem of immunity.” “You should be ashamed” While the elected official announced the refusal of his group to take part in the vote, the mayor (DVG) Benoît Payan welcomed it: “It’s really not very serious. You should even be ashamed! You asked me to rename the names of Laura and Mauranne (victims of a terrorist attack in 2021, editor’s note) the Saint-Charles esplanade but when I contacted their families they asked me never to do it. Against their families, you asked to exploit their memory While it is the family and loved ones of Ibrahim Ali who have been fighting to keep his memory alive since 1995. At the moment when far-right senator Stéphane Ravier, in turn, tried to bounce back on the subject, the tone suddenly rose on the other side of the hemicycle, Jean-Marc Coppola (PCF) sharply urging him to be silent. “We are talking about someone who was murdered by a bullet in the back, can we please have some dignity in these debates?, criticized Benoît Payan. “We’re rolling around in the mud in a gutter debate, where anyone would allow themselves to exploit any death whatsoever.”


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