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six Russian deserters welcomed in

After several months of advocacy and verifications by NGOs, welcomed Russian deserters, like Lieutenant Alexandre, who call their “ brothers in arms » to desert the Russian army. Alexander, having participated in the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, describes being shocked by the outbreak of war, and remembers that his superiors had promised him a short war. “ I didn’t understand what was happening », he tells AFP, relayed by Le Figaro, recalling his months of terror on the front.

The mobilization of 300,000 reservists decreed by Vladimir Putin in September 2022 marked a turning point for many soldiers, like Sergei, who did not want to fight in Ukraine. “ I understood perfectly what was happening there “, he explains. Others, like Andrei Amonov, were also brutally recruited before escaping and fleeing to Kazakhstan, despite the risk of repression. “ I was told I had to join the army », remembers this last soldier.

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Thousands more hidden

These deserters, fleeing to Kazakhstan and other countries, were often afraid of being sent back to Russia. Andrei, for example, was arrested by the Kazakh police, but his lawyer saved him from extradition. Eventually, the deserters found refuge in France thanks to NGOs like Russia-Libertés and Idite Lessom, who estimate that thousands more are still hiding in Russia or have taken refuge in neighboring countries.

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Today safe in France, these men continue to campaign against the war. Alexander hopes his example will encourage other soldiers to lay down their arms. “ Maybe, thanks to my example, someone will want to leave the army “, he declares. For Sergei, who calls on his comrades to desert to end the conflict in Ukraine, “ there is always a choice ».


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