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Laval: an explosion heard in a high school, students evacuated and an investigation opened

An “explosion” took place this Thursday morning at the Douanier-Rousseau high school in Laval (Mayenne), prosecutor Anne-Lyse Jarthon said in a press release. This incident required the evacuation of students and the suspension of classes for several hours. A flagrant investigation was opened for “degradation by means dangerous to people”, adds the prosecution, which specifies that “this investigation is entrusted to the Laval police station and the Angers judicial police”.

The facts occurred around 9:15 a.m. in a corridor of a building of the establishment, relates the magistrate. Students told local media they heard “a big boom” and smelled “a smell of sulfur.”

In an email from management sent to parents, and which Ouest-France was able to consult, “a bottle containing a reactive mixture was discovered in a corridor”. Management speaks of a “malicious act” because “it is not a question of science rooms”.

Around ten fire trucks were dispatched to the scene, as well as the police who set up a security perimeter around the high school. A GRDF team also visited the high school.

Three people taken care of by emergency services

No “direct” injuries were reported but “three people were treated by emergency services and taken to Laval hospital for check-up: one who was bothered by the smoke linked to the explosion and the two others who experienced a state of stress following the explosion,” specifies the Laval prosecutor. As for the damage caused by the explosion, it is “light”, explains the magistrate.

The people behind this incident face penalties of up to 10 years in prison and a fine of 150,000 euros.

In its email sent to parents, management indicates that classes taking place in the corridor concerned should resume normally “for the beginning of the afternoon”. The other classes have already been able to resume.


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