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NATO integration or nuclear weapons? The true-false dilemma invoked by Zelensky

“NATO or nuclear weapons: what did Zelensky mean”, asks the Ukrainian version of the BBC. It all started with an article from the German tabloid Bild, who on the one hand returned to what the Ukrainian president said “during his meeting with Donald Trump in September”, precise, and also reported the comments of an anonymous senior Ukrainian official, who allegedly stated that “Ukraine was capable of acquiring a new nuclear arsenal in a few weeks”.

“Volodymyr Zelensky denies that Ukraine is preparing to build nuclear weapons”, headline the daily online Ukrainian Truth. On October 17, “during a press conference with NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte in Brussels”, the president wanted to recall under what circumstances he had mentioned this supposed choice for Ukraine. “During discussions with Donald Trump, I explained to him: ‘What exit do we have? Either there will be nuclear weapons in Ukraine – and, in this case, it will be a means of defense for us. Either we will need an alliance of some kind. Apart from NATO today, we do not see an effective alliance.’

In another article, Ukrainian Truth underlines that the Budapest Memorandum, if


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