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You only have a few hours left to pay the property tax

Be careful, this is the final stretch to pay your property tax. The deadline depends on the payment method. It is set for October 20 at midnight if you pay electronically, by internet, smartphone or tablet. If you pay via another payment method (cash, check, etc.), you only have a few hours left. You have until midnight today to pay the property tax. For those who chose the paper format, a letter was sent to them by October 9 at the latest. Your account will be debited 5 days later. Your opinions can be viewed in your Individual space on

Amounts greater than 300 euros must be paid by monthly direct debit or on the due date or by direct online payment on the “” site, recalls the site. Only amounts less than 300 euros can be paid in cash or checks. As a reminder, the property tax is a local tax which must be paid by the owners of an apartment or a house on January 1, even if the accommodation is rented to a tenant, and the usufructuary. It concerns 31 million taxpayers this year. It increased by 3.9% on average compared to 2023. If you are late, you risk a fine. “You will have a penalty of 10% of the tax due. The penalty applies if you have not paid your tax within 45 days of the collection date», Specifies the French administration.

An exemption for certain taxpayers

Who is exempt from property tax? Owners who move into new housing benefit from a temporary property tax exemption for two years. They must send a request for temporary exemption to the tax center no later than 90 days after completion of the work. Some communities decide to partially or completely exempt owners who carry out energy saving work from property tax for three years. If you are aged over 65 and under 75 on January 1 of the tax year, and your reference tax income does not exceed the income limits set by article 1417-I of the Code general tax system, you can benefit from a reduction of 100 euros on the property tax of your main home.


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