DayFR Euro

Success of the technical day on cellulose microfibrils (MFC) at the CTP in

The technical day on microfibrilles de cellulose (MFC)organized by the Paper Technical Center (CTP) in , was a real success.

More than 40 participants, from various sectors such as paper and board manufacturing, pulp production, processing, were present to discover the innovative use of MFC in the creation of high barrier materials.

The day’s program was structured around two highlights. Firstly, meetings made it possible to explore recent advances concerning MFC and their potential applications. This was followed by a visit to the semi-industrial pilot installations, which aroused great interest, demonstrating the enthusiasm of industrialists for these new advances.

The main objective of this day was to highlight the innovative approach of MFC to develop materials with strong barrier properties, a crucial issue for the packaging industry. This event thus promoted exchanges between the different players in the sector, while providing a platform to share knowledge and experiences on the latest advances in this form of nanocellulose, which presents interesting properties for the paper and paper industry. the packaging.


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