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Saint-Cyr, Ecully, Vénissieux… Real estate prices in Greater

Caluire-et-Cuire has lower prices than those of the nearby -Rousse. PIERRE JACQUES/HEMIS.FR

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Reading time: 3 min.


Decryption Around , towns that are both pleasant to live in and well served by transport offer a wide range of prices, which are now trending downward.

To go further

Saint-Cyr, Saint-Didier, Champagne: bad weather on the Monts d’Or

  • Old apartments: 4,500 – 5,500 €/m2
  • Old houses: €700,000 – €1,800,000

The post-Covid madness, when buyers flocked to houses and properties in the Monts d’Or, is well and truly over. “Those who acquired a property at a high price three or four years ago have no interest in selling now, and those who would like to buy are faced with a lack of supply,” analyzes Romain Billard, director of the Sotheby’s International agency…

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