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Results of the 2024 municipal elections in Liège

In Cité ardente, Willy Demeyer remains the political personality most popular with voters. But the results of the 2024 municipal elections in Liège are also marked by the score of Christie Morreale (PS) and Gilles Foret (MR). Towards a renewal of the PS-MR coalition?

At the bar of the Chamber, Willy Demeyer had one day – a long time ago – declaimed this adage to a political journalist: “Sit by the river, watch the water flow, you will see the corpse of your enemy.” And the socialist observed piles of them floatingsince the start of his mayorship, in 1999: that of Didier Reynders who fought to steal his scarf in 2006, those of his comrades from the club of five after the Publifin scandal, that of his liberal rival Christine Defraigne who left the political, those of the traders whose activity was shot down by the tram works…

Even the prevailing drug addiction in Cité ardente (and the many problems that result from it) will not have killed the popularity of the socialist: all parties combined, it is he who signs the best personal score in the city, with 8,425 votes. In front of his colleague Christie Morreale, parachuted this summer from Esneux (5,522 votes) and Gilles Foret (5,140 votes).

Results of the 2024 municipal elections in Liège: the slow socialist erosion

But by dint of putting down roots on the banks of the Meuse, the spectator Demeyer undergoes erosion: in 2018, he won 11,293 preference votes, compared to 13,067 in 2012 and even 18,999 in 2006 – his peak.

The PS suffered the same corrosion: 37.95% of the votes in 2018, compared to 29.4% this year, which caused it to lose a seat. But the socialists still remain in a dominant position to constitute a majority. Will they continue to marry the MR? The liberal list, led for the first time by Gilles Foret who therefore achieved an honorable third place in terms of popularity, won 20.2%, or 11 seats (one additional), an increase of 2.2% compared to 2018. . The past legislature has not experienced any major upheavals; Willy Demeyer and the first alderwoman Christine Defraigne had the reputation of getting along rather well.

The rest of the article after the infographic

Results by list

No other two-party coalition would be possible: the Engagés are progressing, but insufficiently, Vert Ardent (Ecolo) is retreating slightly, while the PTB is progressing, but Willy Demeyer rather hates the Marxists. A tripartite, then? Complicated…so unlikely.

Willy Demeyer “thanked the people of Liége and the people of Liége”. More surprising: he praised “Christie Morreale’s magnificent score”. It is rumored, on the banks of the Meuse, that the mayor could hand over his sash during the legislature to this popular newcomer. Unless he ends up watching his corpse pass by…

Preference votes per candidate

Results of the 2024 provincial elections in Liège

Liège is part of the province of Liège and therefore participated in renewing the 56 elected officials of the provincial institution. Here are the detailed results of this vote.


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