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The disadvantages of connected thermostats that sellers are careful not to mention

In recent months, a new device has caused a sensation, to the point of being reimbursed by the State. It is the connected thermostat which, according to decree no. 2023-444 of June 7, 2023, will be compulsory for everyone from January 1, 2027. It will be difficult to check if everyone is equipped as was the case for the obligation of the smoke detector in 2014. If this connected thermostat is installed by a professional, it can be partly reimbursed via one-off assistance. On paper, this seems like a great tool for saving electricity, but I wonder about the possible disadvantages of this device. So what could be the hidden sides of a connected thermostat ? I share with you the fruit of my reflection.

Disadvantage #1: Security, Privacy

I’ll start with what intrigues me the most. Let’s assume that your thermostat triggers a certain temperature when you are present. This therefore implies a lower temperature during your absences. Connected, therefore possible to hack? A malicious character could then know when I am absent depending on my settings, and enter the house. As for the manufacturers themselves, wouldn’t this be a way of collecting data, since they all work through an application?

Connected thermostats can be controlled via your smartphone using a dedicated application, but what about the protection of your data? Photo credit: Amazon screenshot

Disadvantage #2: Internet Addiction

As with many devices, today without the Internet, we are screwed ! But, how to install a connected thermostat in a house or apparently in a “white zone”? It needs a Wi-Fi connection, and even in 2024, not everyone has it. In addition, in the event of a network failure or power outage, the thermostat no longer works, except for models with a “backup battery”.

Disadvantage No. 3: control of operation

For this disadvantage, I am thinking more of elderly people who do not all have obvious dexterity in using connected objects. You must first change the thermostatic heads with connected heads, then connect everything to an application on the smartphone. In addition, the latter may not not be compatible with some old radiators which we often find in these elderly people. Could this be an economical technology reserved for a few experts in the field?

A connected thermostat is coupled with thermostatic radiator heads. Photo credit: Amazon screenshot

Disadvantage #4: Cost

Help is certainly available, but provided that the installation is carried out by a company. What about those who want to install it themselves? I did the math for my house. I have 5 gas radiators, so I would have to invest, for example, in a thermostat pack with two heads (€189.99) and three additional compatible heads at €89.99 each. A resulting cost of €459.96 to equip myself. Not everyone has the means to invest this amount, nor to call on a professional, even with the help offered.

Disadvantage No. 5: lifespan

My radiators have been in place for over 20 years, the thermostat connected to my boiler has been working since 2008 with an annual battery change. What about the lifespan of connected thermostats? We have very little perspective to estimate their lifespan and we now know that planned obsolescence is part of business practices from most manufacturers! If I invested €500 every year or every two years, what would the savings be ultimately?

How long do connected thermostats last? Photo credit: Amazon screenshot

Disadvantages, but also some advantages…

The disadvantages mentioned are those that concern me, but connected thermostats also obviously have some advantages, provided you can install them. Connected thermostats have many advantagessuch as better management of energy consumption, the convenience of controlling them remotely, and the possibility of programming temperature ranges. And, of course, to reduce our energy costs and limit our environmental impact! Were these tips helpful to you? Give us your opinion, or share your experience with us. Please notify us of any errors in the text, click here to post a comment.

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