DayFR Euro

Red meats: prices out of control, but solutions exist

There have been numerous measures, but nothing works. The price of red meat continues to skyrocket. “Faced with a situation that has become uncontrollable, are these provisions still appropriate? asks the daily Eco Inspirations in its October 10 edition. Some have even proven to be counterproductive.

This is the case of authorizing the unlimited use of imported milk powder, to the detriment of local milk, which aggravates the problems of the milk sector. This, even though it was considered a model of organization and integration. Ditto for the subsidy in favor of cattle imports which had no beneficial effect on the reconstitution of the herd of milk or beef cattle.

To get out of this situation, professionals focus on breeding. “Indeed, all independent analyzes converge towards the conclusion that the breakup of the Livestock Directorate under the Ministry of Agriculture dealt a massive blow to the entire organization and to the integration of the different stages of the breeding», lit-on.

The daily recommends that, to gain coherence, coordination and complementarity, it is essential to centralize all livestock actions at the level of a dedicated institution. It is also a priority to concentrate financial incentives at the farm level for the purchase of ewes, meat or milk heifers and the provision of livestock feed, for at least three years.

«At the same time, it is urgent to reframe the importation of milk powder by giving priority to natural milk from breeders», lit-on encore.

Currently, numerous meetings have been held with the head of government and the supervisory ministry. For some time now, work has been carried out to identify the origin of the malfunctions which have contributed to the rise in prices. All systems and value chains are examined with a fine-tooth comb with a view to providing adequate solutions, as well as the necessary monitoring and control in order to avoid any overruns. “Therefore, new announcements will soon be made.affirms Eco Inspirations.


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