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News – ???? In Coulanges, wood replaces gas! – illiwap news from Coulanges-Lès- Town Hall

The city’s old boiler rooms used exclusively natural gas. Now, each of them is equipped with a biomass boiler.

The war in Ukraine has caused significant inflation, automatically leading to an all-out rise in prices. Daily consumer products, raw materials and energy were the first affected by this increase.

The gas which supplied our old boiler rooms has thus increased by more than 230%. ! Faced with this observation, we had to react. Furthermore, in order to promote the ecological transition, it seemed obvious to us to turn to local energy: the wood.

This is how the idea was born of replacing our gas boilers with biomass boilers, powered by wood chips from ecological and sustainable management of Nivernais bocage hedges, carried out by a farmer from Parigny-les -Vaux.
Instead of using gas from Russia, we now have wood chips as fuel which travel around 12 km between where they are cut and our boiler rooms.

Located near the André Malraux schools and the Espace des Saules, these boiler rooms respectively serve the André Malraux nursery and elementary school for one* (heated surface area: 2,580 m²) and the Saules school group, the Petite Crèche , the Espace des Saules (gymnasium and cultural room), as well as the Salmon room for the other (heated surface: 4,690 m²).

Their operation is ensured by our partner, SIEEEN, which also manages our public lighting. They are part of the continuity of the renovation work on the Espace des Saules and the André Malraux schools, with the aim of developing a network of renewable energy in the region. Their operation is ensured by our partner, SIEEEN, which also manages our public lighting.

* The Malraux gymnasium will also be connected to the wood boiler room in the medium term.

The two boiler rooms were inaugurated on Monday October 7, 2024 in the presence of Julien Jouhanneau, Mayor of Coulanges and Vice-President of Agglomération; Matthieu Gabet, 1st deputy; Jacques Pinault, Roland Corde and Jean-Claude Roumier, delegates of the Mayor; Sandra Germain, regional advisor; Guy Hourcabie, president of SIEEEN.


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