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Cancer responsible for a quarter of deaths in in 2022

The Department of Research, Studies and Evaluation of Statistics (DREES), the Inserm Center for Epidemiology of Medical Causes of Death (CépiDc-Inserm) and Santé Publique analyze the medical causes of death of people residents and died in France in 2022. Cancer comes first, followed by cardiovascular diseases and then respiratory diseases. As for mortality due to accidents (falls, domestic accidents), it is increasing, particularly among the elderly.

Deux études complémentaires, qui présentent ces résultats, sont publiées conjointement dans le Bulletin épidémiologique hebdomadaire (Santé publique France) et dans un Études et Résultats (DREES). Elles s'appuient sur la statistique nationale des causes de décès produite par le CépiDc de l'Inserm à partir du recueil exhaustif et de l'analyse des volets médicaux des certificats de décès.

Among the population residing in France, 673,190 people died in 2022 in the territory, a higher number than in 2020 and 2021, two years however strongly impacted by the Covid-19 epidemic. People who died in 2022 were on average older than in 2021. The standardized mortality rate, which takes into account the aging of the population, is stable compared to 2021 for all ages combined (886.6 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants) and higher than that to which the continuation of the 2015-2019 downward trends would lead. This rate increases sharply among people aged 85 and over.

Leading cause of death, tumors, 2th cardio-neurovascular diseases

In 2022, tumors, i.e. cancers, leading cause of deathaccount for a quarter of deaths (25.5%). Deaths due to tumors concern people on average younger than those from all causes combined. Tumor mortality continues its downward trend but is stabilizing among women.

Cardio-neurovascular diseases (such as, for example, myocardial infarction, stroke and heart failure), second cause of deathaccount for 20.8% of deaths. These deaths generally concern elderly people. This is the most common cause among people aged 85 and over. Between 2021 and 2022, mortality due to cardio-neurovascular diseases, which takes into account the aging of the population, increases slightly among women, while it remains stable among men. As in 2021, this mortality is higher for all sexes and all ages than suggested by the continuation of trends before the health crisis. According to a first, still provisional estimate of the rates and number of deaths by cause, mortality from each of these two causes would decrease slightly in 2023.

Fewer deaths due to Covid-19, increase in deaths due to respiratory diseases excluding Covid-19 which are becoming the 3rd cause of death

In 2022, deaths due to respiratory system diseases (excluding Covid-19) have increased significantly and represent 6.7% of deaths, i.e. 3th cause of death ; mortality is approaching its level before the health crisis. These deaths concern elderly people: half of them are 86 years old or older. The increase in 2022 could be partly explained by the two seasonal influenza epidemics 2021-22 and 2022-23 and the active circulation of other respiratory viruses (notably respiratory syncytial virus). Conversely, the number of deaths due to Covid-19 has decreased by almost a third compared to 2021 and becomes the 5th cause of death. This decline could be largely explained by the achievement of high collective immunity at national and international level (broad vaccination coverage, less virulence of variants). This decline would continue in 2023.

Mortality due to accidents is increasing, particularly among older people

In 2022, the number of deaths due to external causes1 is 44,800, or 6.7% of deaths. External causes are the second leading cause of death in people under 65, after tumors.

For the first year since 2020, mortality due to external causes, in particular accidents, is also significantly higher than suggested by the continuation of pre-health crisis trends. In 2022, mortality due to accidents increases in all age groups, particularly among those over 85. This increase is driven by an increase in falls and domestic accidents. Deaths due to transport accidents will also increase in 2022 without however returning to the level before the health crisis.

Breaks in trends for certain causes which are confirmed in 2022

The increase in mortality for the majority of other major causes will continue in 2022, breaking with the downward trend observed before the Covid-19 health crisis. This is particularly the case for endocrine diseases and diseases of the digestive system.

Deaths more frequently at home and in Ephad

Finally, the share of deaths in public health establishments continues to decrease, while those in accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people (Ehpad) and at home increase in 2022.

1- “External” causes include all accidents (including transport accidents, accidental falls, domestic accidents, accidental poisoning, drowning, etc.), as well as suicides, homicides, etc.

• Causes of death in France in 2022: decline in Covid-19 and increase in respiratory diseases – Studies and results, No. 1312, 08/10/2024 – Manon Cadillac (DREES), Anne Fouillet (Public Health France), Cecilia Rivera, Élise Coudin (Inserm-CépiDc).
• Major causes of mortality in France in 2022, and recent trends, Bull Epidemiol Hebd. 2024;2024;(18):388-404. dedicated page on the CépiDc website


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