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RTL Infos – Triple pay, day of rest…: We explain what the “double public holiday” of May 9 changes for you

This Thursday, May 9, two public holidays fall at the same time. We explain to you how this is possible and why you will receive compensation.

In 2024, the calendar offers us a truly bizarre situation in Luxembourg. Because in maythere is not one, but two public holidays… the same day !

This year, the Thursday May 9, 2024 mark both the Europe Day and theAscent. Which means that there are only ten public holidays in 2024, compared to the usual 11.

A very, very rare occurrence. The last time the calendar offered this configuration was in 2008. Ascension fell on May 1… Labor Day.

Also read – Public holidays, long weekends… When to take your leave in Luxembourg in 2024

Two public holidays on May 9, 2024: what it changes for you

For those who like to treat themselves to extended weekends in May, you automatically lose an opportunity to cut a little more in May. But don’t worry, the government still thought of you.

The deputies passed a law so that you do not lose this public holiday. Here are the scenarios to know.

If you never work on public holidaysthere are three possible scenarios:

  • First case: May 9 falls on a day that is usually worked. You don’t need to go to the office and the day is paid like any other. And you are also entitled to “compensatory” rest to be taken in the three months following the public holiday.
  • Second case: May 9 falls on a day of rest, when you were not supposed to work. You are entitled to two days off per public holiday. One for Europe Day and one for Ascension. These two days must be completed within three months.
  • Third case: May 9 falls on a working day, but your schedule only included 4 hours of work or less. You are entitled to two half-days of rest, to be taken within three months.

On the other hand, if you are one of those who must be at work this May 9, 2024, the scenario is different. Since you work on a public holiday, you are entitled to:

  • At your usual pay
  • To a usual 2nd pay because it is a public holiday but you are still working
  • To a 3e pay, which is a 100% surcharge
  • And in addition, one day of rest to be taken within three months, in compensation for the 2e public holiday

A nice puzzle at first glance but the most important thing is that you won’t face it very often.


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