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the funeral of the VTC driver killed by gunfire will take place Tuesday in

The funeral of Nassim Ramdane, a 37-year-old VTC driver who was the collateral victim of a settling of scores against a backdrop of drug trafficking on October 4, will take place this Tuesday, October 8 at the Mediterranean mosque.

The funeral of Nassim Ramdane, the 37-year-old father and VTC driver shot dead on Friday October 4 in by a 14-year-old hitman of whom he was not the target, will take place this Tuesday at the mosque of the Méditerranée, 75 rue Edmond Jaloux in the 14th arrondissement of Marseille, relayed the Marseille Collective of Families Victims of Assassination.

In a message published on the collective’s Instagram account, it is indicated that “the salat al-janaza (Muslim funeral ceremony, Editor’s note) of our father and brother Nassim Ramdane will take place on Tuesday October 8 at 2 p.m. at the Mediterranean mosque “.

“We invite you to join us in praying for the rest of his soul,” the message further explains.

Killed after a dispute with his passenger

The 30-year-old died after being hit in the head by a revolver bullet, fired by a 14-year-old boy whom he was transporting in the back of his vehicle as part of his VTC activity. Activity, which allowed this father of three children to make ends meet.

The circumstances of this shooting still remain unclear at this stage, the Marseille prosecutor said this Sunday, but the perpetrator is suspected of having been recruited as a hitman.

The 14-year-old and another man would have borrowed Nassim Ramdane’s VTC to go to the Félix Pyat city where they intended to find the target that the teenager was to kill in exchange for the sum of 50,000 euros.

On the way, the passengers would have recognized this target in the street and then asked the driver to stop and wait for them, which the latter would have refused to do. It was in this context that the fatal shot was fired. The suspect mentions an accidental shooting. The prosecutor claimed that the driver had no links to drug trafficking.

Tributes to his former football clubs

Nassim Ramdane was a figure in amateur football in the region, as a player and educator in several clubs in Bouches-du-Rhône and . Various tributes, including minutes of silence, were organized during the matches taking place this weekend of October 5 and 6. In Var, where he currently played and where he lived, all amateur football matches scheduled for this weekend were canceled to pay tribute to him.

“It does something to know that this happened because he was a local player. (…) He took care of the children very well and he was a very good player,” says a licensee of Six Fours Le Brusc Football Club, where the murdered thirty-year-old had been playing for a few months.

The club is also considering renaming one of the stands at its stadium in the name of Nessim Ramdane.

The father also left a very good impression at his former club Carnoux-en-Provence, in Bouches-du-Rhône, where he played for five years. “I think that the total incomprehension of his unfortunate death has plunged us into astonishment for two days,” Fabrice Coulomb, sports director of Carnoux Football Club, in Bouches-du-Rhône, shared on BFMTV.

The father of the family was “irreproachable and conveyed very strong cardinal values ​​of respect and fair play,” he insists.

The murder suspect was arrested after the person who ordered the assassination reported him to the police. An investigation is underway.

Glenn Gillet and Lola Baille


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