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Teenager stabbed and burned alive, VTC driver executed… what we know about the two homicides perpetrated in

The city of was the scene, during the beginning of October, of two terrible homicides perpetrated on its land. The public prosecutor spoke this Sunday.

Blood is still flowing in MarseilleOr two homicides are to be deplored in just over 48 hours, at the start of October 2024. What happened?

“An unprecedented savagery”

Nicolas Bessone, public prosecutor in the Marseille city, held a press conference this Sunday to retrace the last tragic days in ’s second city. Quoted by our colleagues from La Provence, he first recounts that the first homicide, perpetrated on a 15 year old teenagerhas been “a scene of unprecedented savagery“. Recruited by a 23-year-old inmate as part of the war between drug traffickers, he was responsible for intimidating a fellow inmate, who seemed to belong to the opposing clan.

He was asked to shooting a handgun at the apartment door of the latter and set it on fire. But when he came to the building’s stairwell, the young man found himself in front of a group of people who searched and disarmed him. Before inflicting on him “around fifty stab wounds“and the”burn alive“, on the night of October 2.

A driver executed

48 hours later, it’s a gun which, this time, made people talk about it, still in Marseille. The inmate who contacted the 15-year-old victim did it again by calling another teenager, aged 14. The purpose of this request? Avenge the death of the first by assassination. Armed with a 357 Magnum pistol, the recruit therefore ordered a VTC in order to fulfill its mission. As our colleagues report, once in the vehicle, the teenager asks the driver to stop when he thinks he comes across the man to be shot.

The driver of the vehicle refuses. What will cost him his life : the young man opens fire and shoots a bullet on the back of the 37-year-old man’s head. Which, as the magistrate confirmed this Sunday, had no connection with drug trafficking. Provence also indicates that he was an amateur footballer known in the community and very popular. It is in order to make ends meet that he worked as a VTC driver.

“Total loss of bearings”

Still on the sidelines of his press conference, the public prosecutor denounced “thecomplete loss of bearings which will make young boys respond to advertisements […] to go and take someone’s life without any thought”. He also pointed out the “role of social networks which questions and a frightening amateurism”. The 14-year-old teenager who killed the VTC driver was arrested. He admitted the homicide. But for him, it is a question from an accidental shotcarried out while he threatened the driver.


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