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Real estate. In , prices are increasing again, especially in these two districts

First-time buyers are back on the real estate market, determined to buy their first main residence, notes La Boîte Immo according to a study carried out for this 3rd quarter of 2024 on the properties of its customer base. But prices remain students.

If 48% of independent real estate agents questioned by the Interkab observatory study, in a panel of more than 4,200 agents, think that prices will fall, this is still timid in according to this study which calculates a average of -5% on houses and -3% on apartments between the 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2024.

+2%: prices are increasing in , especially in the 3rd arrondissement

And if the slow decline in prices continues in a certain number of regions and cities in France, this is not the case neither in Lyon nor in the Rhône, underlines the Interkab barometer which instead records an increase of 2% in prices. price per m2 between the 2e and the 3e quarters 2024.

According to the figures from this study, Lyon is in third place among the most expensive large French cities with an average price of 5 081  €/m2 behind 5,202€/m2 and , far ahead with an average of €10,830/m2. In the third quarter, prices even increase up to 8% in Lyon 3rd (4 823€/m2) et 6% in Lyon 6th (€6,138 per m2).

Design by Le Progrès Rhône

The 9th, the cheapest district in Lyon

In Lyon 9th, on the other hand, the prices recorded on the houses and apartments of La Boîte Immo customers show a clear drop with – 6 % between the 2e and the 3e quarter 2024 (3 228 €/the m2). It is the cheapest district of the city with Lyon 8th (4,244€/m2).

In the Rhône, prices are stable in Villefranche-sur-Saône (€2,706/m2) but are increasing in Belleville, Brignais and Genas. In Tarare, there was a drop of 3% (€1,844/m2).

104 days: signature times faster than elsewhere and stable

This barometer, which exclusively brings together data from independents, with a panel of 1,600 agencies spread throughout the AURA region, also notes that in Lyon, you generally sign your sales agreement in 104 days (on average 134 in the Rhône ). This is faster than in (140 days), Paris (124 days) or (111 days). But the figures are fairly uniform throughout France (average time of 125 days) and remain stable in Lyon between second and 3e quarter 2024.

Very poor student in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, according to this study: , where you have to wait 211 days before hoping to sign.

– 13% sales compromise

If we sign quickly enough, we also sign a little less in Lyon. At 3e quarter, 202 sales agreements were signed by La Boîte Immo customers. This is 13% less than in second place. A more significant drop than that of the national market or the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region which recorded -4% and -3% of signatures respectively, according to the Interkab observatory. But independent real estate agents want to be reassuring: “The drop in interest rates could encourage a resumption of activity at the end of the year”.

The Rhône remains the department of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes where the most agreements are signed (683 compromises) ahead of Haute-Savoie (648) and Isère (540).

The evolution of the volume of compromises signed at the national and regional level in the 3rd quarter of 2024.

Design by Le Progrès Rhône

+ 10% of properties on the Lyon market

Since the start of 2024, the stock of goods available for sale has increased in the Boîte immo customer base (following the fall in the number of transactions). Lyon is, among these independents, among the six cities in France where stocks have increased the most with +10% since the 1st quarter of 2024. (+13% at the national level).

Little room for negotiation

Lyonnais are not the most inclined to negotiate the price of their property, according to the figures from this barometer. If the study counts around 5.7% drop between the displayed price and the final amount of transactions at the national level, in Lyon, the negotiation margins are lower than this trend and are more around -4%.

To lower the prices of sellers who use an independent real estate agent, client of La Boîte immo, you will have to move closer to Cantal (-6.8%) or go down to the south of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, to Valencia, where the trading margin is -6.4%.

The study was carried out on active real estate (houses and apartments) from the La Boîte Immo customer base. The figures are those entered by agents on their La Boîte Immo account. Each quarter, a panel of more than 4,200 independent real estate agents are questioned through surveys created internally, on a specific theme.


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