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She wants to share good times with her audience – Sports Infos – Ski

Delphine Claudel at home

The N°1 Tricolore will have the chance to participate on Saturday and Sunday in the French cross-country ski championship in La Bresse, very close to her home.

“It’s cool to see that here. It’s quite rare. It’s going to be a good time. The idea is also to have fun and pass it on to the Vosges and Bressauds.

Sportingly, it’s still roller skiing, it’s not what I prefer. We’re going to know what the sensations will be like because it’s not necessarily the time of year when we feel the best.

It’s not transcendent at the moment. The body responds moderately. ” explain Delphine Claudel in Vosges Morning.

Continue to progress

The national championship events, scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, are not so important for her, because obviously the serious things will happen in mid-November with the first races on snow.

Having reached the podium twice last season, 2nd in Canmore and 3rd on the final climb of the Tour de Ski, which she had won the previous season, Delphine Claudel has established itself as one of the world’s best specialists in skating and hill climbing.

“By being more consistent, it’s motivating to say to yourself that you can have an interesting role and that you can be at the front in every race.

The idea is to give the best of myself every time I put on a bib and to find the right recipes to further increase my level.”


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