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Didier Raoult’s former right-hand man tried for threats against a gendarme

« Your career, I’m going to put it in the red » : the prosecution requested on Friday October 4 a fine of 10,000 euros, including 4,000 euros suspended, against Éric Chabrière, former right-hand man of Professor Didier Raoult, tried for threats and intimidation of a gendarme.

This university professor, former collaborator of Professor Didier Raoult, this doctor now retired who claimed to be able to treat Covid-19 with hydroxychloroquine, was summoned on March 21 to the Marseille maritime gendarmerie to be heard in the part of an investigation opened by the public prosecutor’s office for online harassment.

The day before, the investigator had called him back for confirmation and Éric Chabrière had indicated that if his lawyer was unavailable, he would not come. The Brest public prosecutor’s office then issued instructions that if he did not comply with the summons, he would be placed in police custody.

An 18-minute exchange

The tone then quickly rose and, in the recorded 18-minute exchange, Éric Chabrière took advantage of his rank of reserve captain in the army and his acquaintances, generals, admirals or maritime prefect. « You are nothing to summon me. In the army, people like you, I would put them in line. You will have the prosecutor and the entire gendarmerie on your back »he told the chief adjutant, who he threatened with transfer to Brest or Mayotte.

The judicial police officer suggested that Éric Chabrière be accompanied by a court-appointed lawyer, the professor retorted: « Do I have any idea of ​​having a court-appointed lawyer? ? ». « In 23 years of career, this is the first time anyone has spoken to me like that. He crushed my function and my rank and threatened me like the last shit »assured the gendarme Friday at the hearing.

“My father being deaf, I am used to speaking loudly”

At the bar, Éric Chabrière accused the gendarme of having lied to him and of having ignored the law, believing that his rights had not been respected. « I think I know criminal procedure a little better than you »replied President Cécile Pendariès.

« Annoyed »the prosecutor even opened the code of criminal procedure to read to the defendant article 78 on the obligation to comply with summons from a judicial police officer. Éric Chabrière defended himself by explaining: « My father being deaf, I am used to speaking loudly ».

His defender, Maître Ludovic Heringuez, argued « context of harassment for four years on social networks »asserting that his client « lives hell, a surge of hatred from morning to evening ». And in this case « the spark is the behavior of the gendarme who flouts the most basic right (of my client) to choose his lawyer ». The judgment will be delivered on November 22.



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