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Victor Castanet reveals documents to support his accusations against Aurore Bergé

The author of the investigative book “Les Ogres” revealed on info this Thursday, October 3, three documents proving collusion between the former Minister of Families Aurore Bergé and the general delegate of the French Federation of Daycare Companies (FFEC) Elsa Hervy.

He reveals his cards. Victor Castanet, author of the investigative book Les Ogres accusing Aurore Bergé of having concluded a pact with the crèche lobby, counter-attacked this Thursday, October 3 on France info, after the former minister announced she was filing a complaint for defamation.

“I have a certain number of documents that I wish to make public to show that there was an agreement between Aurore Bergé and Elsa Hervy (the general delegate of the French Federation of Daycare Companies, Editor’s note) to smother the fire “, said the independent journalist.

Screenshots of conversations

More specifically, the author of the book The Ogres insisted on revealing three documents. The first is an email presented as dating from August 2023, when Aurore Bergé has just been Minister of Solidarity and Families.

That month, “Elsa Hervy sent an email to Aurore Bergé’s colleagues explaining that she had just responded to an interview with Les Échos and that she had said all the good things she thought of the minister. The director of firm sends this email to Aurore Bergé (…), Aurore Bergé responds ‘She’s a friend ???? She will be very helpful to me'”, detailed Victor Castanet on France info.

Victor Castanet also shared what he describes as a screenshot of a Whatsapp conversation in which Elsa Hervy indicates that she obeys the ministry of Aurore Bergé and another in which the latter describes lobbyists from the private nursery sector as her “best allies”.

A “non-aggression pact”

In his investigation entitled The Ogres, Victor Castanet describes the “voracity” of certain groupsin particular People and Baby, who allegedly falsified the number of hours babies were present to receive money from the family allowance fund. He mentions a “non-aggression pact” concluded between the former Minister of Families Aurore Bergé and the general delegate of the French Federation of nursery companies.

According to the journalist, after the release of two books in November 2023 denouncing bad practices within private crèches, Elsa Hervy and Aurore Bergé “worked hand in hand” to “define how they were going to manage the media sequence”.

Tuesday on France Info, Aurore Bergé indicated that she had filed a complaint for defamation, adding: “I will not accept that my name can be smeared and even less on defamatory accusations.”


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