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I was devastated when the love of my life died and I started seeing confusing signs

After 17 years together, Rachel Blatt lost her husband Dave to cancer. Following his disappearance, she began to notice some unexpected things. Were they manifestations on the part of the man in her life?

Losing a loved one is an ordeal that can seem insurmountable. This is what he discovered Rachel Blatt when she had to say goodbye to Dave, her husband, with whom she shared 17 years of his life and two children. It was the first time she lost someone and she was with her until the end. Diagnosed with cancer, Dave spent time in intensive care before passing away. At that moment, the American removed her husband’s wedding ring, which she kept on her finger flawlessly.

Following the disappearance of her husband, she received many visits from her loved ones who came to support her and share their best stories about Dave. It is with this memory thatone day Rachel was surprised by the song of a cricket in the house. Strange for her, because this had never happened before. As soon as that thought left, the bug was in the bathroom with her while she washed her face. For the mother, this appeared as the first in a potential series of signs from her late husband. She recounted the other protests in testimony to the Huffington Post and even the most skeptical might doubt.

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Establish communication with your husband

Some time after Dave’s death, some relatives advised Rachel, 51, to try to find someone. If she met a few people through dating apps, she always kept a piece of her husband with her by never taking off her ring. Unfortunately, she always ended up wondering what Dave would have thought of these men and perhaps figured that keeping the jewel on her finger meant it would be stuck to her forever and she would never be able to turn the page. To be sure, she experimented with several mediums. The first told him that Dave was there and that he enjoyed spending time at the kitchen table to see his sons. The second assured her that he was there with her and that if she needed anything, all she had to do was ask. Despite everything, her husband never said what she expected: that she could try to move forward without him.

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Following this, Rachel continued her daily life, but always paying attention to potential signs. And one day, while she was walking her dog, a young falcon arrived in slow motion and landed on a tree so close to them that she could observe the animal in its smallest details. If usually Dave was the only one who could recognize the species of bird, this time she knew. The moment she wanted to take a photo of it, their eyes met and suddenly the air changed, the sun disappeared behind a cloud and she felt tingling in her body, like if someone put their arm around his shoulders. Once the bird had left, a few steps further, she came face to face with a completely intact feather: “At that moment, I remembered a post on a Facebook page for widows: “Feathers are a gift from beyond.”

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The ultimate sign

A week after this experience, Rachel was in the shower. Suddenly, Dave’s ring, which had been on his finger since the day he died, fell onto the tiles. Happy not to see it go down the pipes, she kissed it hard before putting it back on her finger. Two days later, still in the bathroom, the American applied cream to her legs. Once again, Dave’s ring slipped away. This time she crashed on the bath mat. Shaken, Rachel noticed that for a year, the jewel had never left her side and that it had slipped from her finger twice in a week: “I didn’t want it to be a sign, but I couldn’t help but wonder if these incidents meant anything, and why was I still carrying it after all this time. Was it to keep him close to me? To honor his memory? I didn’t know.”

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The next day, she was at an event with some friends and absentmindedly brought her hand to her finger as she often did to feel the metal of David’s ring. But this time, she only found her skin. “I searched everywhere. I retraced my steps again and again. I even rented a metal detector. But at the same time, I knew something special was happening like when I saw that hawk. I also knew that I would never find the ring”, she wrote. From there, thousands of questions flooded his mind: Was it Dave? Was it a way to tell her that she could move on or was her grief playing tricks on her? “I didn’t know, but I finally realized that I didn’t need to know. It didn’t matter if it was real because I already knew the truth: Dave would always be with me, but he wouldn’t come back to this life. I had to live it alone and it was time for me to open my heart and start living again.”


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