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Camille Santoro (Large families) claims to have been operated on for a tumor at a younger age

Camille Santoro revealed this Wednesday, October 2, that she had undergone surgery for a cranial tumor at the age of 11. The former candidate of Large families also admitted to being self-conscious about her scar.

It’s time for confidences for Camille Santoro. A few days ago, the mother of six children discovered in Large families: life in XXL on TF1 spoke with emotion about the loss of her seventh baby, which occurred a year ago. “Sometimes, the pains of life cannot be explained. A year ago, my life turned upside down. Now, I move forward every day, getting back on track as best I can, for my children and trying every day to be better than yesterday”she confided about the tragic disappearance of her daughter Noa. This Wednesday, October 2, it is on another intimate subject that Camille Santoro decided to speak on social networks. For the first time, Nicolas Santoro’s ex-wife revealed that she had undergone surgery for a tumor during her childhood.

Camille Santoro (Large families) operated on for a tumor at the age of 11, she says

While accompanying her daughter Émie to the hairdresser, Camille Santoro was inspired to tell her story. “I hate hair appointments. When I was 11, I had surgery for a cranial tumor.she said. “I have a large scar under my hair that bothers me a lot, hence the constant running of my hand through my hair. I’m so afraid that people will be able to see it that it reassures me”before joking about his fear of hair salons: “And honestly, since I became a mother, I can’t find the time to spend three hours at the hairdresser.”

Camille Santoro (Large families) takes her daughter Émie to the hairdresser for the first time

If she refuses to go to the hairdresser, Camille Santoro has still found an alternative. “I don’t color my hair. To make maintenance at home as easy as possible, I do several treatments a year and I try to use the best products”she explained before confessing: “But I admit that it doesn’t replace a hair appointment.” That’s why she took her daughter on this date. “To tell you the truth, Émie is 11 years old and she has never been to the hairdresser. This morning a place was available so I jumped at the chance. And honestly, I had never experienced this feeling of well-being when going to the hairdresser.”she summed up this moment of relaxation.


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