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neither Trump nor Harris make the connection with climate chaos

Atlanta, Georgia (United States), correspondence

Hundreds of people are still missing. A few days after the arrival of Hurricane Helene on the coast of Florida on Thursday, September 26, the toll was considerable in the southeast of the United States. It made landfall in category 4, on a scale of 5. As it progressed north, it demoted to « tropical storm »but the consequences were still disastrous.

More than a hundred people died in the states of Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina, as well as in Tennessee and North Carolina. Many roads were cut, neighborhoods flooded, and towns almost destroyed. In certain regions, relief operations were still seeking access to the victims by all possible means this Monday.

Six hundred people were missing on September 30, according to Joe Biden’s administration. The president announced he would go to North Carolina on Wednesday October 2. The presidential campaign was also invited into this deluge. Donald Trump was this Monday in Valdosta, in southern Georgia. The state is one of the most affected, along with North Carolina.

Of the “ swing states » particularly affected

Both are « swing states »pivotal states, where a victory is important, if not essential, for the candidates. In front of ruined buildings, the Republican candidate does not hide his cap « Make America Great Again »his campaign slogan, screwed on his head. True to form, the lies were present. He accused President Joe Biden of being « sleep »an allusion to his age, and to not having reacted to this catastrophe. He claimed that Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, a Republican, « called the president without getting an answer ».

The governor disputed these facts, explaining that President Joe Biden had called him the day before to offer help — each state, led by its governor, is on the front lines of managing such climate scenarios, and the state federal, led by Washington, can help with its financial and logistical resources.

Donald Trump also attacked the Democratic governor of North Carolina, Roy Cooper, accusing him of « deliberately not helping people in republican areas ». « What makes me angry [c’est qu’il] implies that we are not doing everything possible. […] It’s wrong and it’s irresponsible »declared Joe Biden in response. « Our nation stands with you, and our administration will continue to do everything it can »said Kamala Harris. The vice president also spoke with federal authorities about managing such crises.

« The climate crisis in action »

Even if it is difficult to assess the exact role of climate change in such climatic catastrophes, these events – and their power – are indeed a consequence. « Make no mistake: the unimaginable devastation seen across the Southeast [des États-Unis] are the climate crisis in action. As long as we maintain the status quo without limits on the use of fossil fuels, these disasters will be more frequent, more serious, and more deadly. »said the president of the environmental organization Sierra Club, Ben Jealous.

Except that neither candidate mentioned climate change in their speeches. This is not surprising from Donald Trump, who has repeatedly repeated his attachment to fossil fuels, and his desire to eliminate regulations against polluting companies. But Kamala Harris did not emphasize the role of climate change. For several months, the Democratic candidate has more than smoothed out her speech on the environment, to appear less radical in the eyes of independent voters. It remains to be seen whether the affected people will hold this against the candidates.



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