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October 13, a day to learn how to manage flood risk in Haute-

In a context of climate change which increasingly exposes our environment to natural or technological disasters, it is important that everyone knows the natural risks that threaten us locally. This day of resilience, open to all, will take place on October 13 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Henri-Vinay garden in Puy-en-Velay.

This resilience day, co-organized by the Puy en-Velay urban community and state services (Haute- Prefecture and Territorial Departmental Directorate) is a unique opportunity for the general public to inform, and learn how to react and protect yourself in the event of serious climatic events.

This is part of the “All Resilient to Risks” day established by the government in 2022 with the culmination of October 13, in line with the International Day for Risk Reduction. United Nations Disasters.

Floods, the main risk in our territory

Raising awareness around flood risk was included this year as part of Resilience Day. The territory has experienced numerous major floods causing widespread damage and deaths. We all remember the Loire flood of 1980 with 8 deaths and more than 300 million francs in damage. In Haute-Loire, many residents are faced with the risk of flooding, either because they live in a municipality affected by this risk or because they work or go to a municipality where this risk is present.

1 in 4 municipalities is exposed to the risk of flooding, 3 in 5 people live in a municipality covered by a Flood Risk Prevention Plan, and 70% of natural disasters in Haute-Loire are due to flooding or land movements.


The hydromachine ride

Will you have the right tactics to save a village from a flood?

All audiences (from 6 years old), 1 hour, sequences at 9 a.m., 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 12 p.m., 2 p.m., 3 p.m., 4 p.m.

Using hydromachines (large models on which water circulates), develop your river, choose the route of the water, … and launch your flood while taking care to protect the villages!

The Red Cross

Presentation of emergency accommodation, the missions and the local organization of the French Red Cross.

MAIF prevention

The MAIF prevention association is committed to raising awareness, informing and educating about risk prevention. Around a game board, learn to better understand the major risks, such as floods, forest fires, earthquakes and even weather phenomena. From the game and the questions asked, you will be able to find solutions and discover how to react to these major risks.

ADRASEC 43 Civil security

Thanks to their skills and equipment, volunteer radio amateurs work closely with the authorities in charge of crisis management and relief operations, for the establishment and operation of transmission and radiolocation networks.

Discover their missions in the service of Civil Security.

SDIS Haute-Loire

Responsible for the prevention, protection and fight against fires, accidents, disasters and disasters, as well as the assessment and prevention of natural and technological risks, the SDIS is on the front line in the event of emergency relief. emergency to victims, evacuation, protection of people, property and the environment.

Discover the world of firefighters through demonstrations related to flood risk.

The flood risk box

Adopting the right reflexes can save lives

All audiences (from 12 years old), 1 hour, sequences at 9 a.m., 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 12 p.m., 2 p.m., 3 p.m., 4 p.m.

Thanks to this fun game in the form of puzzles to solve and memory games, find the right reflexes to prevent and protect yourself from the risk of flooding.

It flows naturally

All audiences (from 7 years old), 1 hour, sequences at 9 a.m., 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 12 p.m., 2 p.m., 3 p.m., 4 p.m.

Through models and games, children become aware of the impact of soil waterproofing on flooding, but also of the problem of waste generated by a flood and its slow decomposition in the natural environment, if it are not properly supported.

Evacuation bag

Prepare to urgently evacuate a place or area that has become dangerous due to rising waters!

All audiences, 1 hour, sequences at 9 a.m., 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 12 p.m., 2 p.m., 3 p.m., 4 p.m.

The flood threatens your habitat and your personal integrity. You must evacuate the premises as quickly as possible to return to an emergency accommodation center, while waiting for things to return to normal. Put together your survival bag using the essential elements offered to you and explain your choices.

When faced with an emergency situation, learn to adopt the right attitudes.


“The flood risk in Haute-Loire”

Discover or rediscover the floods that marked our department, but also learn more about flood risk and actions to protect against it.

Immersive walk on the banks of Dolaizon

2 departures: 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. from the Henri Vinay garden

And if the Dolaizon was in flood… Although seemingly calm, the Dolaizon, if it overflowed its banks, could cause a devastating flood. Come discover its historic floods, the areas that could be affected and the issues surrounding this urban watercourse. A guided walk to discover all its secrets.

To register:


10 hours : presentation of the flood prevention action program carried out in the territory of the Puy-en-Velay agglomeration community.

By Vincent Teyssonneyre, facilitator of the PAPI system (Flood Prevention Action Program) within the Puy-en-Velay urban area.

11 a.m. : feedback on crisis management in the town of Brives-Charensac.

By Emmanuel Debard, town hall of Brives-Charensac

2 p.m. : presentation of weather forecasting tools and feedback on the rainy episode of June 13, 2017 which led to flooding in the municipalities of Goudet, Brignon and Costaros.

By David Marchal, Territorial Referent at Météo .

3 p.m. : from information to reaction: management of a flood crisis in Haute-Loire.

Discover the possibilities of anticipation and the limits of flood crisis management, as well as the work of the different services to preserve people and property.

By Tatiana Gontier, head of Natural Risk Prevention at the Haute-Loire Departmental Directorate of Territories.


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