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Mazé-Milon. For Pink October, she is organizing a sports, musical and solidarity day

Teacher, Mazéiaise Cécile Gillet is also an ambassador for the Geneticancer association. On the occasion of Pink October, it is organizing, this Saturday, October 5, a major sporting, musical and solidarity day.

What is Geneticancer?

Cécile Gillet: “It is a national association, founded in 2016 by Laëtitia Mendes, who is also its president. Its mission is to fight against cancers of genetic and hereditary origin. As ambassadors, our missions are diverse: informing about these cancers, supporting patients and their loved ones, raising funds for research…”

Why did you get involved in this association?

“I am directly concerned. My maternal grandmother and my mother both had breast cancer and then pancreatic cancer. In 2011, after a recurrence, my mother did genetic testing. It was then discovered that she carried the mutated BRCA2 gene, which predisposes to cancer of the…


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