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Assizes Liège – Gaëtan Vanwyngaerden is accused of the murder of Eric Wilkin

The acts alleged against the accused took place on Saturday July 22, 2017 shortly after 11:00 p.m. in Wanze. Eric Wilkin was hit by the car driven by Gaëtan Vanwyngaerden after a chase. The victim, who had a limb torn off, died from his injuries.

The facts take place in a context of romantic rivalry between the accused and a young man whom the victim tried to help. A meeting had been organized on the town square of Wanze between the protagonists, but Gaëtan Vanwyngaerden’s love rival had become frightened and took refuge inside a café.

He had been insulted by Gaëtan Vanwyngaerden and certain members of his entourage. Eric Wilkin, a customer of the café where the young man had taken refuge, then tried to help him and ease tensions. He then tried to discreetly extract the young man from the café to take him home, but he did not count on Gaëtan Vanwyngaerden and the members of his family, who were on the lookout.

Eric Wilkin’s van had been chased on the road going from the center of Wanze towards the Wallonie highway towards Couthuin. After a turn, the van was stopped. Eric Wilkin allegedly got out of his vehicle armed with a knife to face his pursuers. During this scene, the car driven by Gaëtan Vanwyngaerden hit him. Eric Wilkin had a limb torn off and lost his life.

The circumstances of the death and the intentions which animated the various protagonists of the scene will be at the center of the debates of the assize court chaired by Philippe Gorlé. The substitute Fabienne Bernard will sit in the post of public prosecutor.

Gaëtan Vanwyngaerden is accused of murder and malicious obstruction of traffic.

The trial is expected to last eight days. The proceedings on the merits will begin on Monday October 7 at 9:00 a.m. with the reading of the indictment.


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