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Murder of Philippine in the de Boulogne: “I did everything so that…”, the suspect’s first victim devastated and angry

His murder caused great emotion throughout the country. Last Saturday, September 21, the lifeless body of
Philippine The Black Carlan was found partially buried in the de Boulogne. The day before, the disappearance of the student of 19 years old had been reported by his relatives.

Very quickly, a suspect was arrested in Switzerland. It is about
Side O.a 22-year-old Moroccan national. He had already been convicted of rape in 2021 and then released in June 2024. He was targeted by an OQTF
(obligation to leave French territory) since his release.

Suspect’s first victim speaks out about Philippine’s death

On Friday September 27, Philippine’s funeral took place at the Saint-Louis Cathedral in . Two days later, Taha O’s first victim. spoke in a letter to AFP, as reported BFMTV. “I think of Philippine and her family, and I am immensely sad. I would like to comfort them, comfort her, but I only face the unbearable void left by her death” she began.

The one who asked keep anonymous then addressed his own trial face au suspect.
I did everything to ensure that what happened to me would not be repeated. I filed a complaint (…), held my ground during the two years of investigation, instruction and then trial, telling myself that my approach would protect other women” she confided.

The young woman requests the “launch of a commission of inquiry”

In addition to evoking with emotion his pain for Philippine, the first victim of Taha O. wished speaking out about recidivism. She first asked herself: “Why has the prison system failed to prevent this recidivism? Why were we unable to stop this escalation of violence leading to the murder of a young woman?”.

Finally, the young woman demanded more resources to prevent “recidivism of sexist and sexual crimes”. She notably requested the “launch of a commission of inquiry” on this question. A very strong gait while the murder of Philippine provoked strong reactions on the dysfunctions of the OQTF.


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