DayFR Euro

Pronostic Red Star FC – Ligue 2

Published on 09/27/2024 11:22 p.m.
par Steven Occhipinti


Ligue 2 prediction

An Ile-de- derby is being held for the 7th day of Ligue 2. The Red Star has just returned to the French second division. The promoted will do everything to ensure its maintenance very quickly in the coming months. After its first 6 matches, Grégory Poirier’s team is in 14th place in the rankings. After winning 2 of her first 3 matches, she has struggled a little more since. Red Star has only taken one point in its last 3 days. This is not the best way to prepare for this derby. He will face FC this Saturday at 2:00 p.m., at the Stade Bauer.

Their next opponent is one of the favorites to fight for promotion to Ligue 1. After winning their first 3 days, Paris FC lost their next 2 matches. Stéphane Gilli’s men were able to raise their heads afterwards. In the middle of the week, they managed to beat EA Guingamp (2-0). A great victory which allowed them to move up to 2nd position in Ligue 2. The PFC will aim to continue its good series. He will try to consolidate his good place at the top of the table.


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