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Laurent Ruquier and Hugo Manos win the season 3 finale as a couple

M6 Hugo Manos and Laurent Ruquier, the two winners of this third season of “Traitors” on M6.


Hugo Manos and Laurent Ruquier, the two winners of this third season of “Traitors” on M6.

TELEVISION – Great first in the show. Still in the running in the grand final of the game of deception broadcast on M6, the duo of YouTubers Studio Danielle and Arthur Lombard, Hugo Manos and his companion Laurent Ruquier as well as the actor Bruno Solo and the singer Gwendal Marimoutou competed for the title among six people winner of this third season of Traitors.

This Friday, September 27, the six candidates still present had a tough time, but it was ultimately the TV host and his influencer companion who won, as a couple. All while winning no less than 85 bars, or 42,500 euros to be used to help the associations defended by Laurent Ruquier and Hugo Manos, namely Médecins du monde and the Claude Pompidou Foundation.

During the final, the clans were very clear, with Laurent Ruquier and Hugo Manos, alone against the whole world. An adversity which rather smiled on them since it was the Studio Danielle pair, Arthur Lombard, who was the first eliminated before Gwendal Marimoutou and Bruno Solo met the same fate.

Enough to offer Laurent Ruquier and Hugo Manos a more than easy final duel against Studio Danielle, the only loyal candidate still in the running. It is therefore no great surprise that the YouTuber with 1.6 million subscribers bowed to the couple who masterfully blurred the lines. It is therefore “a little sad” but proud of her journey that Studio Danielle admitted her defeat: “ It’s the game! “.

“I was fooled”

Conversely, the victory of “ traitors » was unanimously greeted at the end of the show by presenter Éric Antoine and by viewers. Logical as the duo of Laurent Ruquier impressed with their cunning and their strength of persuasion during the round tables which decided the destiny of this season 3. “ I was fooled… It’s incredible. I did anything, you are awesome », applauded Bruno Solo

A victory which, it must be emphasized, would undoubtedly not have taken place without the tour de force achieved by Crazy Sally last week. The last traitor with Laurent Ruquier and Hugo Manos, the influencer defended herself with certain talent before being eliminated. A plea however sufficient to protect his accomplices, almost untouchable until the end of the game.

Laurent Ruquier and Hugo Manos therefore add their names together to the list of winners of the Six show. Before them, it was the influencer Juju Fitcats who won in 2023. During the first edition of the game, a winning couple had already won the show. Except for one detail, it was not a couple in everyday life like for Laurent Ruquier and Hugo Manos. In season 1, ex-judoka David Douillet and the former winner of Koh-Lanta Clémence Castel were the first to confuse everyone’s minds to sneak up to the final victory.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

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