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The battle for Ukraine has only just begun

Published on September 28, 2024 at 11:02. / Modified on September 28, 2024 at 11:02.

New frontiers

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When he set foot on American soil last Sunday, Volodymyr Zelensky declared that “this fall will be decisive for the future.” After ten years of Russian aggression and soon three years of total war led by Moscow against Ukraine, the formula may seem strange. And yet. The diplomatic sequence that has been playing out since this week in New York and until the American elections could well be decisive in the balance of power between the two camps. Far from getting closer to lasting peace, the question today is whether Russia will manage to mobilize enough countries of the “South” to try to achieve its territorial conquest, on the one hand, and whether Ukraine can still count on the support necessary for its resistance struggle against the invader, on the other hand. With the risk that this European conflict will become international.

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