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A day without a motor to celebrate nature on the Route des Crêtes

This Sunday, September 29, the Route des Crêtes between Cassis and will be reserved for pedestrians and cyclists. A festive and eco-friendly day with walks, workshops and activities to rediscover this Provencal jewel without engine noise.

This Sunday, September 29, the Route des Crêtes, linking Cassis to La Ciotat, is silent. No more roaring engines, no more impatient horns. Just the blowing of the wind and the footsteps of walkers.

Launched in 2023, the initiative has made way for a total cessation of motorized traffic every Sunday since April. And will be renewed for one year. A gesture for the environment, a treat for the senses.

This Sunday, more than a leisurely stroll awaits visitors. It’s a real festival in the middle of nature, which is part of the Automne des Calanques event.

The idea? Discover this breathtaking route in a different way, far from the nuisances, with a full program: guided hikes, treasure hunts for the youngest, educational workshops on biodiversity and even animated readings for those who want to marvel at the landscape.

Activities for everyone, to the rhythm of nature

The entertainment village, the beating heart of the event, will be located on the Cassis side. This is where it all begins, a 45-minute walk from the Pas de la Colle barrier.

Between two hikes or a session discovering underwater treasures, we come across scientists in the middle of a fun demonstration with Les Petits Débrouillards, or we sit down to listen to the adventure stories of the association Les Jardins de l’Espérance. Everything is planned so that young and old alike can soak up the beauty of the place and leave with a little more than just souvenirs: a piece of eco-consciousness in their pocket.

And that’s not all. For fans of history and science, the Route des Crêtes offers a meeting with members of the Marégraphe, this little-known but high-precision instrument for understanding climate change through the measurement of sea level. In short, here, every step is a discovery, every detour a journey.

The party will end at 5 p.m. and the adventure begins at 10 a.m. this Sunday. Be ready to dive into the heart of a preserved territory, where nature reclaims its rights, at least for one day. As a bonus: Don’t forget your zero waste picnic, because if we love nature… and we respect it.

Access and Practical Information: We recommend that you use public transport to get there on foot or by bike (be careful, steep slopes)!

Crêtes shuttles in the heart of nature: Of Cassis (Gorguettes car park) at the barrier No Glue and of La Ciotat (city center) at the barrier of Bucelle.

Bicycle traffic is welcome! Remember to take a lock to stroll around the entertainment village with peace of mind. Temporary racks will be at your disposal.

Good physical condition required: Find on the app My Calanques all the trails to walk and take advantage of this car-free day to walk.

To expect: Absence of water points and catering service. Plan your zero waste picnic and sufficient water. Of the dry toilets Temporary facilities will be made available by the Park at the entertainment village and the mobile cove.

For more information on the program, here


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