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78% of French people want to see individuals under OQTF systematically imprisoned without time limit, before their expulsion

The murder of the young Filipina has reignited the debate surrounding people under OQTF. Indeed, according to a survey by the CSA Institute for CNEWS, Europe 1 and the JDD published this Saturday, 78% of French people are in favor of the systematic imprisonment of OQTFs, with no time limit before their expulsion.

Towards increased severity? According to a survey* from the CSA Institute for CNEWS, Europe 1 and JDD published this Saturday, September 28, 78% of French people want to see individuals under OQTF systematically and without time limit imprisoned before their expulsion.

The issue of imprisonment before expulsion of people under OQTF has been at the heart of public debate since the death of 19-year-old Philippine. The suspect in the murder of the young student is a 22-year-old Moroccan, already convicted of rape and subject to an obligation to leave French territory.

The legal deadlines having passed, he was able to leave the administrative detention center in which he had been placed and settled in a hotel while awaiting his expulsion to Morocco.

A share of yes correlated with age

In detail, men are more in favor of this increased severity towards people under OQTF. 79% of them responded positively compared to 77% of their female counterparts.

The results of the study highlight a clear correlation between age and the proportion of people in favor of the systematic imprisonment without time limit of individuals under an OQTF.

In fact, 64% of 24-34 year olds answered yes, or 9 points less than for 35-49 year olds (75%) and 10 points less for those over 50 (84%). The youngest are also the most undecided on the question, with 5% of respondents not saying anything.

From a socio-professional point of view, the inactive (85%) are the most favorable to this proposal than the CSP+ (76%) and the CSP- (72%).

The rebellious respondents alone in the minority on the question

On the political side, only those surveyed claiming to be voters of Insoumise are mainly unfavorable to the systematic imprisonment without time limit of individuals under an OQTF while awaiting their expulsion. 45% of them have positively validated the proposal.

Conversely, respondents close to parties allied to LFI and members of the New Popular Front answered overwhelmingly yes to the CSA Institute’s question. They are 67% for the Ecologists and 70% for the Socialist Party.

This proposal concerning OQTF people finds a very wide response among right-wing and far-right voters. Thus, 94% of them validate it for those close to the Republicans and 93% for those of the National Rally.

Finally, 88% of those close to the Macronie and its Renaissance party responded positively to the question.

* Survey carried out on September 26 and 27 by self-administered online questionnaire on a nationally representative sample of 1,010 people aged over 18, using the quota method.


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