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Funeral of Philippine, killed in the de Boulogne: her broken family united in pain, heartbreaking images

Her death shocked millions of French people… Saturday September 21, 2024, the body of Philippine de Carlan, a 19-year-old student, was found
partially buried in the de Boulogne. A week after the tragedy, 2,800 people gathered at his funeral in the Saint-Louis cathedral in , on September 27, 2024. Many people also left bouquets of flowers on the steps of the cathedral.

Philippine’s parents and five brothers and sisters accompanied the coffin. In mourning, the young woman’s father declared: You left too quickly to join your creator. For his part, Father Grosjean who celebrated the ceremony indicated: “There are so many of us around you. We are also here, with you Philippine, in communion with you, crushed by pain, but clinging to this beautiful and great hope of eternal life”.

Rain of tributes for Philippine de Carlan

For Info, a woman who knew Philippine de Carlan well declared as she left the cathedral: It’s terrible what happened. She was a happy and smiling girl.. For BFMTV, her former health teacher declared: “When I go back to class and I see these young brown girls with blue eyes, it reminds me that every life is precious and that from one moment to the next, we can no longer be present humanly”.

For TF1 Info, a mother whose daughter is a student of Philippine’s mother added: “It was important to come and support the whole family, we have children his age and we all feel concerned by this tragedy”. In the mass booklet, the family shared: Philippine was a daughter, a sister, a beloved fiancée who wanted to start a family. A beloved godmother, a future daughter-in-law, a future sister-in-law, a granddaughter, a cousin, an aunt, a niece, a goddaughter, a friend, a scout companion, a leader, a school friend or friend. ‘university, a brilliant student’.

Didier Migaud: “It’s a tragedy”

Friday September 27, 2024, at the microphone of France Inter, Didier Migaud, the new Minister of Justice, spoke of a feeling of failure. “You know that the Minister of Justice cannot intervene in the context of an individual procedure. That does not prevent me from feel as strongly as the citizens the emotion faced by such a situation. It’s a tragedy.”he estimated before indicating that one of his daughters was the same age as Philippine de Carlan.

The day before, during a press conference in Canada, Emmanuel Macron had underlined “the emotion of the whole nation, of all French men and women” facing “this odious and atrocious crime”. Obviously justice will do its jobobviously the State services will do theirs, but above all and simply let us express this solidarity and this affliction of the nation”he added.


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