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After his meeting with Volodymyr Zelensky, Donald Trump pledges to “resolve” the war in Ukraine in the event of victory in the presidential election –

The head of American diplomacy Blinken on Thursday described as “totally irresponsible” Russian President Vladimir Putin’s threats to use nuclear weapons in the event of a “massive launch” of air attacks against Russia.

“It’s totally irresponsible, and I think a lot of people around the world have made that clear when he’s raised the threat of nuclear weapons, including China in the past,” Anthony Blinken said during ‘a television show on MSNBC.

Vladimir Putin warned on Wednesday that his country could use nuclear weapons in the event of a “massive launch” of air attacks and that any assault supported by a nuclear power could be considered “joint” aggression.

States with nuclear weapons “must stop playing with the future of humanity”, declared the UN Secretary General, urging Russia and the United States to “commit to new in an approach aimed at limiting” this armament.

“Never since the worst hours of the Cold War has the specter of nuclear weapons cast such a shadow,” Antonio Guterres said during a conference at the UN General Assembly.

In addition to Russia, the United States, , the United Kingdom and China which are officially equipped with nuclear weapons, North Korea, India, Israel and Pakistan are so unofficially while Iran is suspected of wanting to have it


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