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Claire Chazal, Laurent Ruquier, Michèle Bernier… Who are the guests of “Who wants to be a millionaire?” tonight on TF1?

After Jean-Pierre Foucault, historic presenter of the show, Florence Foresti and Jarry, five new pairs of celebrities will come and rub shoulders with “Who wants to be a millionaire?”, the 2nd anniversary issue of which will be broadcast this Friday, September 27, 2024 from 9:10 p.m. on TF1. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the cult game, Arthur brought together several personalities from the world of entertainment, cinema and television, all of whom play for associations.

A new joker to help celebrities

From the Dôme de , these 5 duos will have to answer a succession of general knowledge questions with the help of the famous jokers: the call to a friend, the public vote and the 50/50 which eliminates two proposed answers. A fourth joker was added for the occasion: the “vox populi”, which allows candidates to consult a person from the public who thinks they know the answer and shows it by standing up. The candidates then designate one of the standing spectators to help them.

For this second and final anniversary evening, Arthur will feature the following pairs: Claire Chazal and Paul Mirabel, Dany Boon and Laurence Arné, Michèle Bernier and Laurent Ruquier, Claudia Tagbo and Bruno Solo, and François-Xavier Demaison and Stéphane de Groodt.

READ ALSO: “You have a real knack for game animation”: Facing Arthur, Yann Barthès transforms into presenter of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” in “Quotidien”

Audience success for the first evening

Last Friday, the special broadcast attracted 3.88 million viewers between 9:11 p.m. and 10:18 p.m., or 21.6% of the public and 29.4% of the FRDA-50. The second part of the game, broadcast between 10:27 p.m. and 12:14 a.m., attracted the attention of 3.15 million viewers, which represents 28.9% of the public and 33.7% of the FRDA-50. TF1 then came 2nd in audiences, behind 2 and its series “Simon Coleman”, which brought together 3.57 million viewers on average over the two episodes (20.7% of the public and 5.5% of FRDA- 50).


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