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Michel Barnier promises that taxes will not increase for some French people

© Nathan Laine/Bloomberg/Getty Images

– Michel Barnier wants to protect certain French people from a tax increase.

Will Michel Barnier increase French taxes? Just after his appointment, the Prime Minister did not forbid a tax increase, before tempering a few days later by assuring that he would not increase taxes. “on all French people who already pay the most taxes among all European partners. (…) Neither on the most modest people, nor on people who work, nor on the middle classes”. In an interview given to the Journal de Saône-et- on Friday September 27, Michel Barnier reassure before his general policy speech.

The Prime Minister wants to protect certain French people. “On the question of taxation, I said that I would protect from any tax increase those who are on the ground, who work, who produce. We will appeal, in an exceptional and temporary manner, to those who can contribute to this effort”declares the Prime Minister, who must present the 2025 draft budget the week of October 7. On the eve of a traveling to Saône-et-LoireMichel Barnier recalls that ’s situation is very serious on a budgetary and financial level.”

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The Prime Minister from the right continues: “My responsibility as Prime Minister, and that of the government, is to face up and take measures, not against this or that category, but by ensuring that we are fair.” He also recalls having announced upon his arrival at Matignon that “everyone was going to have to roll up their sleeves, because the situation of this debt of 3,100 billion, a deficit today of more than 6%, is a situation which concerns everyone, every family. The effort must therefore be fair, balanced and concerted.”

Asked about local authorities and statements about them from Bruno Le Maire, the Prime Minister replied: “I have other things to do than argue with this or that. I find a very degraded situation, much more degraded than has been said, and I am not going to indict the local authorities who play their role on the ground for the social and territorial unity of France.

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“What is clear is that there is a need to share the effort to control spending and that we are going to talk about it with the communities”adds Michel Barnier who also mentions “new areas of decentralization towards departments, regions, deconcentration towards prefects with a lot of simplifications and a lot of capacity to experiment and even deviate”.


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