DayFR Euro

– The Union Locale CGT Côte-d’Or defies the town hall and calls for a rally on Tuesday, October 1

The Union Locale CGT Côte d’Or is calling for a rally on Wednesday October 1 from 11 a.m., rue de l’Hôtel de ville in , following recent tense exchanges during the municipal council in reaction to what it describes as of “anti-union charge” from the mayor during the municipal council the previous Thursday. Read our article.

Context: comments deemed offensive by the CGT
The CGT explains in a press release. The group of elected officials “Pour Beaune Vraiment” raised the question of the expulsion of the Union Locale CGT from its premises, to which the mayor responded by claiming that “ the union presence was justified by the existence of the industrial tribunal in Beaune », court closed in 2008. He added that the unions would no longer have any reason to occupy these premises.
The CGT firmly refutes this assertion in its press release: “ Fake ! The reform of the judicial map dates from 2008, it marked the abolition of the industrial tribunal. However, we have occupied the premises since 2009… The premises are not occupied exclusively with industrial tribunal activity! “. The union recalls that its presence is based on its interprofessional activity and not on an obligation linked to the Civil Service elections, contrary to what the mayor stated.

A mobilization announced for October 1
The mayor also reportedly criticized the lack of union presence in elective bodies, declaring that unions “ no longer do the job in Beaune “. Faced with these accusations, the CGT reacted vigorously: “ Yes, Mr. Mayor! The CGT is doing and will do “the job”! We will continue to welcome, defend, advise and organize those who bear the brunt of the disastrous policies of your political family and its allies. “.
To mark its disagreement and assert its role with workers, the CGT is calling for a rally on October 1 at 11 a.m., in front of Beaune Town Hall. “ Count on us, Mr. Mayor, to remind you! »concludes the press release.


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