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Residents prepare for new flood


Audrey Gruaz

Published on

Sep 26, 2024 at 5:44 p.m.

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Thursday, September 26, 2024, once again, residents of eastern Seine-et- are experiencing flooding, after those of last August.

Once again, it is theThe Grand Morin which overflowed into many municipalities.

The inhabitants of La Ferté-Gaucher, Meilleray and La Celle-sur-Morin watched with apprehension as the river rose all day long.

First placed on yellow alert for flood risk at the start of the day, the section of the Morin was placed on orange alert mid-afternoon. “After a lull observed this morning, more disturbed weather was observed this Thursday afternoon in the watershed, generating a new increase over the entire section,” specifies the Vigicrues website.

The flood peak is expected to be reached around 6 p.m., according to authorities.

“We put everything up high”

In La Ferté-Gaucher, residents took precautions when they noticed the river level rising. “I brought everything up into my basement with a neighbor and my wife, including the household appliances. We put everything up 25 cm high. It’s been a disaster since 2018″explains a man from Fertois, who lives near the Cordelins stream.

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In La Ferté-Gaucher, the Cordelins stream quickly grew this Thursday, September 26, 2024. ©Sandra MARTINS

At Jean-Campin Collegethe college staff members have moved their vehicles, usually parked in the car park along Ru des Cordelins. A high, strategic site: “We wait for the teachers to leave to park our car a little further away,” says a resident of La Ferté-Gaucher who would like to be able to also keep her car safe. In the meantime, she went to stock up on pipes for her water pump.

In La Ferté-Gaucher, garage 3A has raised its equipment on the lifting bridges. ©Sandra MARTINS

Garage 3A, located on Avenue des États-Unis, has already been hit twice during previous floods. This time, they were able to anticipate the rise of the river:

We have set up all the equipment just in case. But we find that it has gone down since this morning. We are still preparing.

Garage 3A
Garage 3A has already suffered two recent floods, this time its owner was able to anticipate the flood. ©Sandra MARTINS

Throughout this area, gardens bordering a watercourse are flooded. This is particularly the case in Saint-Martin-des-Champs where the fields are also subject to these floods.

HAS Mortcerfresidents are also flooded. The gendarmes went to the scene to ensure safety, particularly because several streets are blocked by water, making dangerous traffic.

In Faremoutiers, The station car park is also floodedMotorists have no other choice to get to their car: they have to put their feet in the water!

In Faremoutiers, the station car park is flooded. ©Le Pays Briard

HAS Apple-shapedthe school is preparing to have to keep children longer than expected. Some parents will take longer to reach their town this evening, due to the roads being closed and the P line being at a standstill. “Don’t worry, the children are with the teachers and safe at school,” the school tells parents.

Same message to Saacy-sur-Marnenear La Ferté-sous-Jouarre: after-school care takes care of the children. The school is not affected by the floods.

Line P at a standstill

HAS The Cell-sur-Morinthe river has left its bed to reach… the railway tracks. The trains on line P are blocked, none are running between Coulommiers and Marles-en-Brie. The SNCF is deploying replacement buses to transport passengers to their destination.

For the moment, no disruption between Coulommiers and .

At the entrance to Saint-Martin-des-Champs, the gardens and fields are flooded. ©Sandra MARTINS

HAS Couilly-Bridge-aux-Damesthe town hall is asking residents to take precautions, predicting a fairly late peak in the flood, around 10 p.m.

To monitor the development of the flood, go to the Vigicrues website.

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