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Aveyron Assizes, Alzou Murder: One of the Accused “Not Fit to Appear”, Trial Postponed

A psychiatric assessment was presented this Thursday morning at the opening of the proceedings, indicating that Sylvain H. was not “fit to appear”. The trial was therefore postponed. When? Not before 2025.

The trial for the murder of Hadrien Gand, who was beaten up in Villefranche-de-Rouergue in June 2021, was due to last until October 3. It ultimately only lasted an hour.

This Thursday, September 26, after having drawn lots for the popular jury, the president of the Aveyron Assize Court, Sylvie Rouanne, granted a request for the defense to adjourn.

One of the accused, Sylvain H., appeared in the dock but was “not fit to appear”. Subject to various psychiatric disorders, the latter, detained at the Druelle remand center, is notably the victim of “hallucinations”, according to the words of his counsel Me Romain Fontes of the bar. He justified his request with an expert report, delivered to the court this Thursday morning.

“The right to a fair trial requires that the psychological state of the accused allows them to participate in the debate,” said the attorney general, Esther Paillette, not opposing this last-minute postponement.

Sent back to 2025?

In the meantime, no postponement date has yet been set. “Certainly during the year 2025,” said the president. To the great displeasure of the civil party, the victim’s family. “It’s a cold shower,” she said through their counsel. “What will happen in three, six or nine months? Won’t it be the same?”, also wondered the victim’s mother, who came from . This week, in the columns of Centre Presse Aveyron, she testified to her desire “for justice.” She will have to wait.

Four other defendants were due to appear alongside Sylvain H. at this trial. Some, under judicial supervision, left free while awaiting a future hearing date.

More information in our next edition.

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