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Joël Guerriau case: Senator questioned Tuesday in court withdraws from the Senate

Horizons Senator Joël Guerriau has announced that he will step down from the Senate until further notice. Analyses of his phone suggest that he consulted online sites about rape and drugs. He is suspected of having drugged MP Sandrine Josso in order to sexually assault her.

The numerous searches on GHB point of sale sites or on the effects of GHB posting management have only served to cast a shadow over suspicions against Senator Joël Guerriau. His lawyers, Mres Roumiantseva and Carpentier do not confirm what was said yesterday, Tuesday, during the interrogation before an investigating judge. “Joël Guerriau reserves his explanations only for the courts”, his two lawyers insisted to our colleagues at AFP.

Joël Guerriau denies the facts

Joël Guerriau continues to deny the facts he is accused of. He withdrew from the Senate this Wednesday. “At the request of President Larcher, I am resigning today from the vice-presidency of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee and am withdrawing from participation in parliamentary work in the Senate.”the senator wrote in a statement. He also wrote: “regret the failure to respect the great principles of the Republic such as the presumption of innocence.”

“His place is no longer in the Senate”

Joël Guerriau was indicted on November 17, 2023. This is the first time, this Tuesday, September 24, that he was heard by an investigating judge, in the context of this case which highlighted the scourge of chemical submission even in the highest echelons of the State. “Joël Guerriau’s place is no longer in the Senate”declared this Wednesday morning on Inter, the president of the Upper House. Joël Guerriau is suspected of having administered, without her knowledge, ecstasy to his colleague Sandrine Josso. He is under investigation for “administration without the knowledge of MP Josso of a substance likely to impair her judgment or control of her actions in order to commit rape or sexual assault.”


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