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Jura on orange alert, Burgundy and Franche-Comté will not escape the squalls

Météo places three departments on orange alert, including Jura. Storm Aitor will cross France from this Wednesday, September 25, 2024. Rain and strong gusts of wind are expected at the end of the day and tonight.

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The map has been colored yellow and orange. Météo France has placed 54 departments on wind and rain flood alertAin, Jura and Haute-Savoie will be on orange alert for rain and flooding from 6 a.m. on Thursday, September 26 until midnight.

In the three departments on orange alert, “the accumulations over the episode will be between 50 and 80 mm in 12 hours and could reach 70 to 100 mm over the entire episode, particularly on the western slopes of the relief.”

The first storm of autumn, named Aitor by the Spanish, will hit France.

“Polar air flowing from the North Atlantic towards the British Isles meets a southwesterly flow fed by mild air over the south of the continentdetails Météo France. This so-called ‘atmospheric river’ situation explains the disturbed weather that will affect us from the middle of the week.”

Except for the Territoire de , no department in Burgundy and Franche-Comté will escape the gusts and precipitation, as shown in this animation from La Chaîne Météo. It shows the depression literally sweeping across France from West to East.

Gusts of over 100 km/h, or even 130 km/h, could be recorded on the Atlantic coast, from the Basque Country to the , for three days. Inland, the wind could also blow at over 80 to 90 km/h. As for cumulative rainfall, Météo France expects “locally 60 to 90 millimeters in 24 hours”in the west of the Massif Central and the Centre-East of France.

But nothing dramatic according to Ilyes Ghouil of Météo franc-comtoise. “We will not have winds above 60 km/h in Belfort and Montbéliard, assures the young meteorologist to France 3 Franche-Comté. We will have 70 km/h in Vesoul, 75 in Besançon and perhaps very locally up to 90 km/h in the Jura.”.

We are used to this type of wind. There will certainly be trees uprooted and heavy accumulations of rain. But this remains classic for the season.

Ilyes Ghouil, Weather in Franche-Comté.

Follow the evolution of the forecasts on Météo-France.


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