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A ceremony organized at the Larzac camp memorial for the day of homage to the Harkis

Since 2003, the National Day of Tribute to the Harkis is celebrated on September 25. This Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. in La Cavalerie, a commemoration was therefore organized at the Larzac camp memorial, in the presence of the prefect of Aveyron Charles Giusti and of Veronique Martin Saint Leonsub-prefect of the district.

This is how the ceremony took place in front of the plaque of the Larzac camp memorial to pay tribute to more than 200,000 Harkis who fought for during the Algerian War, but also to the 8,000 people who passed through the Larzac camp in 1962.

A commemoration during which the mayor of La Cavalerie, Francois Rodriguezfirst stressed ” the courage of the Harkis, who gave everything for the Republic and their flag “, he who inaugurated this memorial in 2017, but also the ” Harkis Street “, in the commune, in 2019.

During the ceremony, the president of the Harkis association of Aveyron also wished to recall that it is necessary to “ promote the sites of Brusque, Saint-Rome-de-Cernon and La Cavalerie, which bring glory to our elders who fought for France “.

The speeches concluded with the reading of the letter from the Ministry of the Armed Forces by the Prefect of Aveyron, stating that ” The Harkis share the history, memory and destiny of the Republic ” before the wreaths were laid and the Marseillaise sung.


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